Fleur Desel – The Fleur Desel Salt

Fleur De Sel is a spice that historically denotes France. Historically considered a symbol of royalty, it signifies the French people and their heritage. Given its prices, which can reach up to $300 per pound, and given the fact that it has been around for centuries, many wonder why it’s so expensive today. According to some experts, its pricey price tag is due to the fact that it has not been preserved well by the time of its first discovery. During the Middle Ages, this spice was often used as an expensive condiment to be sprinkle on food instead of as a cooking spice. With the advent of more widespread transportation and trade, fleur de sel began to gain popularity in Europe, particularly England, where it was primarily used as an expensive dressing for meats.

fleur de sel

Known as “le fleur de sel,” fleur de sel became a symbol of the French nation as it became associated with royalty. One story says that Queen Isabella of Spain decreed in 1534 that all salt produced in her kingdom had to be fleur de sel. Today, this special flower of salt is available for those who want to show their pride in being french.

Experts say that there are two primary factors behind the fleur de sel taste. The first factor is its moisture content, which is high as compared to other salts. The second factor, which may account for the flavor, is that it has a higher concentration of iron than the regular fleur de sel. Because of its increased iron content, this special herb may also play a role in improving the taste of fish and seafood.

Fleur de sels are available in different flavors. One of them, called fleur de noirs or sea salt, has a very salty taste. Some of these salts have a hint of complexity, but they are difficult to find. Those salts that have a clear color and a distinct flavor are called “sea salt.” Because of its uniqueness, fleur de sel salts are mostly harvested in the Mediterranean and France.

Although fleur de sel is a traditional form of seasoning, it is now widely used in a variety of cooking techniques. The versatile salt can be added to a wide range of foods including soups, stews, salads, and vegetable dishes. It may even be used to season fish and seafood. As a result of its versatility, the fleur de sel has become increasingly popular among chefs worldwide. In fact, it is widely used to improve the taste of baked desserts such as donuts and pies.

Because fleur de sel has so many uses, the fleur de sel salt is harvested in different countries. Morocco is the top exporter of this mineral, while Spain, France, Bolivia, the United States, Italy, Venezuela, Australia and China all produce the bulk of the fleur de sel. Fleur de sels are typically harvested by hand and processed at high temperatures. The crystal salt is extracted from the mineral using high temperatures and pressure. This special process produces a premium product that is highly valued for its appearance as well as its exceptional health benefits.

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