Home Organization Tips For Those With ADHD

The key to a successful organizing system is simplicity. Simple systems take less time to maintain. For example, a simple sock drawer organizer can have three bins: one for dark socks, one for light socks, and a third bin for any other items you may want to put in the drawer. More complicated organizing systems are difficult for people with ADHD to maintain and take too much time. The goal is to make things easy to access and put away.

Getting a mentor

Many children with ADHD can benefit from having a mentor. A mentor can be an older child with ADHD or an adult friend. The mentor doesn’t have to spend a lot of time with the child, but they should act as a role model. They should show them how to behave in different social situations and correct them when they are lagging behind.

One of the primary benefits of a mentor is that the relationship can improve academic performance. It can also improve self-esteem and promote self-advocacy and responsibility. In addition, it can foster friendships and help students develop coping skills. Having a mentor can also help students feel that they’re valued and cared for.

An important part of the Eye to Eye program is that it includes older peers with LD/ADHD diagnoses as mentors. A mentor who is older can provide empathy and help the mentee visualize their future as an adult. However, a mentor who doesn’t have a diagnosis may also be a great match.

A mentor can also help students who are self-conscious. Having a peer to talk to can help the mentee express their concerns, which can be difficult for kids with learning differences. The relationship can also provide a safe place for students to express their needs, and mentors can also help reassure the mentee of their correct decisions.


For people with ADHD, decluttering can be a daunting task. It can be difficult to let go of things we hold onto because of our memories and emotions. But by linking decluttering with the goal of moving forward, we can make decluttering easier to accomplish. Here are some tips for decluttering your home:

If you suffer from ADHD, you may have difficulty with muscle memory and working memory. This means that it can be difficult to focus long enough to remember how to do something. But with a little work, you can still achieve an organized home. One of the most common ways to declutter is by getting rid of items you rarely use.

To help you decide what to keep and which to toss, try decluttering by numbers. The Fly Lady came up with 27 items she could donate and nine to get rid of. Marla’s method was inspired by a Feng Shui book she read. It explained that moving nine items around creates a different flow of energy. But Marla thought that threex9 would be a better number. She also recommends listening to music while decluttering, which is a great idea for those with ADHD.

If you’re an ADHDer, decluttering can be daunting and stressful. You may want to set a goal for yourself and keep a scorecard that shows your progress. A visual reminder will help you stay motivated and stay on track.

Making your bed every day

It can be difficult to estimate the time it takes to complete a task, especially if you have ADHD. So, one way to motivate yourself is to take pictures of your progress. These photos don’t have to be shown to anyone, but they serve as a visual reminder of how far you have come. Another idea is to find a mentor or organizing therapist who can help you get organized.

Another good idea for those with ADHD is to set a routine. This will allow you to remain on task and switch between tasks more easily. For example, if you wake up at the same time everyday, you should set up a schedule for yourself to get ready for the day. Make sure you have your clothes ready to go before bed, and get your school supplies organized.

Developing a routine and setting limits for yourself can help you stay on top of your schedule. Oftentimes, people with ADHD get caught up in one activity and forget to keep track of the other things. This is why it is important to write down a schedule of tasks so that you can stay on top of them.

A simple task can help you feel accomplished in the morning and will also make your bedroom appear more tidy. Another easy way to stay organized is to keep electronic devices out of the bedroom. These devices can stimulate your brain when you need it most.

Setting deadlines

Setting deadlines for home organization for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can be helpful for people who struggle with focus. Setting deadlines helps people focus on a task and stay organized. For example, organizing a work inbox might require sorting the first 50 emails. A person with ADHD can use a timer to keep them focused while they are working on a task.

People with ADHD tend to have a different sense of time than those without the disorder. They have a more difficult time recording and estimating time, and this can make it difficult to meet neurotypical deadlines. When time is short, it’s easy to put a task on the backburner. But when “now” arrives, a person can get overwhelmed and feel stressed out.

Having an accountability partner can help a person with ADHD stay on task. If they are alone, it’s easy to become distracted and forget important projects or tasks. An accountability buddy can be helpful, but it’s important to choose wisely who you invite. Make sure the person will not distract you or make things worse.

While completing organizational tasks may seem impossible, remember that it won’t happen overnight. You’ll need to work on them for a while. People with ADHD often lose motivation when they try to make changes to their life. A reward system can help with motivation. For instance, a manicure or a fancy coffee can be an incentive to complete a task.

Creating designated spaces

Creating designated spaces in the home can help those with ADHD remain organized and focused. People with ADHD are more likely to fidget if they have too much clutter. Creating designated spaces for things can help minimize the amount of clutter in a room while providing a space to spread out.

One way to make a designated space is by placing a launch pad. This can be a small table with some hooks, baskets, or trays. This will make it easier to grab a few things and head out the door. In addition, it will save time for the person with ADHD. For instance, they will not have to run around looking for a key or a jacket.

Another way to create an organized environment for ADHD people is to create logical systems and routines. These systems will help them stay organized and eliminate frustration from not being able to find what they need. By implementing these systems, you will make the home more appealing and reduce the stress of not being able to find things.

In addition to establishing a designated space, people with ADHD should also make sure to return household items to the appropriate locations. This will help them reduce the amount of clutter and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed while cleaning.

Creating lists

Creating lists can be helpful for those with ADHD. This simple method helps people stay organized by helping them identify the tasks they need to accomplish. A list will also help them set a starting point and identify what needs to be done in each order. This is especially useful for those with ADHD, who often have trouble remembering which task comes first and which one comes last.

Creating a list is a great way to prevent the feelings of overwhelm and worry. It can also help you get organized and be healthier. Lists can help you make plans for meals, shopping, and other daily activities. Some people even write “everything” lists, which include backlog tasks and aspirational items.

One of the biggest problems with ADHD is being disorganized. Trying to plan out every day can be overwhelming, and making lists can help you stay on track. Even if you don’t have ADHD, you may have trouble keeping track of your schedule. It’s easy to forget about important tasks, or even to forget about them entirely. And if you can’t remember something, you may even feel guilty for forgetting it.

Creating lists can be as simple or as complicated as you choose. Some people prefer a more traditional method, while others prefer a more visual one. For example, drawing a picture of something related to a task can help you remember the details. Another approach is to create a list on a smartphone. The advantage of a smartphone is that you can access it at any time of the day. The trick is to find a system that works for you.

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